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Dental Cleaning

How often should I have my teeth cleaned?

You should expect to have your teeth cleaned at least once every six months. This helps prevent gum disease, staining, and other dental concerns.

Are cleanings covered by insurance?

Whether or not dental insurance plans cover essential cleanings can vary from plan to plan. Generally, most dental insurance plans include preventive dental care such as dental cleanings as in-network benefits, though sometimes there may be limits set on how often cleanings are covered in a year. Additionally, some policies may require members to pay copays or coinsurance amounts toward their dental cleaning appointments. Therefore, it is important to check with your insurer regarding the specifics of your policy coverage before scheduling a dental cleaning appointment so that you can know what type of payments you need to make out-of-pocket.

How often should I see the dentist?

When it comes to dental care, the standard recommendation is to visit your dentist every six months for a dental cleaning and checkup. This allows dental professionals to detect and address any potential dental issues while they are still minor. It is important to note that everyone’s dental health needs may be different, so individuals should consult their dentists to create an individualized plan for their dental health care. That being said, regular dental cleanings can help you stay on top of your oral health and ensure that any problems get taken care of quickly and efficiently. So make sure to talk to your dentist about how often you should schedule preventive dental checkups - maintaining good oral health starts with regular visits!

What at-home care should be done between dental checkups?

Taking care of your dental health between dental checkups is one of the most important things you can do to maintain a healthy mouth. Brushing twice daily, flossing once a day, and using an antibacterial mouthwash can help to reduce plaque and tartar buildup in your mouth and prevent dental issues like cavities and gum disease. If you are concerned about your oral health or experience any dental pain or sensitivity between dental visits, be sure to contact your dentist right away for additional support. Taking good care of your teeth between dental checks can go a long way toward keeping them healthy for years to come! ​​​​

Dental Implants

What are the cons of a dental implant?

As with every tooth replacement option, there are some potential drawbacks to consider before proceeding with dental implants. The cost may be significant in comparison to other forms of tooth restoration. Additionally, one may experience greater physical discomfort after the surgery due to sensitivity of the surgical site and surrounding areas, which could last anywhere from several days up to several weeks post-operation. Finally, success with the procedure can be highly dependent on having healthy gums and ample bone tissue to support the implant. If such conditions do not exist prior to surgery, then it is important that any necessary treatments are completed beforehand so as to maximize the chances of success.

What are the benefits of getting a dental implant?

Dental implants are a popular option for replacing missing teeth. The advantages of this procedure include that the implant will become fused to the jawbone, making it look and feel like a natural tooth. It also eliminates wear and tear on adjacent teeth since it is anchored directly into the jaw. There are also no dietary restrictions with an implant, as one can eat all of the same foods they did prior to getting the implant.

How long does it take to get an implant?

A dental implant procedure itself isn't quick; the amount of time it takes to get a dental implant depends on several factors. It begins with a consultation where X-rays are taken to gauge the current condition of teeth and surrounding jawbone; from here, your dentist will determine if you're eligible for a dental implant. Next, if required, there may be some preliminary work done such as tooth extraction or treatment of gum disease before the placement of the dental implant. It can take 4-6 months for full healing for a single implanted tooth, but every case is different and your overall health plays an important role in determining how long your healing process will take.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants are beneficial to both oral health and function, restoring natural bite strength and preventing long-term jawbone degeneration that often occurs when teeth are missing. With proper care, dental implants can last many years without needing replacement or repair procedures.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a medical device used to replace missing teeth. It consists of a titanium screw which is surgically embedded into the jawbone, providing a secure and stable anchor for a prosthetic tooth or bridge. This screw acts as an artificial root, allowing the prosthetic crown to stay firmly attached in place.


How long does Invisalign take?

Invisalign is an orthodontic option designed to address dental concerns like crooked, misaligned, and overcrowding teeth. Invisalign treatment works through a custom set of clear aligners that fit snugly over the teeth. Treatment time lasts anywhere from nine to fifteen months on average, with many patients achieving their desired results within a year. However, the timeline largely depends on the complexity of each case. More complicated cases may require 24-30 months or more for the desired results to be achieved. Depending on the individual’s circumstances, some people can even finish sooner than expected due to cooperation with assigned tasks such as wearing aligners for 22 hours per day and visiting their dentist as instructed.

What orthodontic problems does Invisalign treat?

Invisalign clear aligner is a great choice for many kinds of mild to moderate orthodontic corrections. It is a discreet, comfortable and easy-to-use system that can treat multiple issues. Among its most common uses are the correction of widely spaced teeth, crowding of teeth, overbite or underbite and even some minor cases of misalignment due to incorrect jaw development. With Invisalign, new aligners are constantly introduced, meaning the treatment can be adapted and tailored as needed to create progressive results. For those who prefer not to have traditional metal braces and bands on their teeth, Invisalign may offer an ideal alternative.

Is Invisalign covered by insurance?

The good news is that some insurance plans do cover Invisalign, and many dental offices can assist in finding out if a particular plan will offer coverage or not. However, not all policies are alike and they often have different coverage limits and requirements. Some will cover partial costs while others could cover the full bill, depending on a patient's individual situation - so it's best to contact your insurance provider in order to understand what type of coverage Invisalign may be eligible for. In any case, talking with our team can help provide more detailed information about whether Invisalign is right for you and how much your insurance may be able to cover. Ultimately, understanding your insurance policy can help you decide which treatment option is best for you and your wallet.

How much does Invisalign cost?

Invisalign is a cutting-edge orthodontic treatment that uses custom-made, virtually invisible aligners to gradually move the teeth into their desired position. As such, prices can vary depending on the complexity of the patient’s particular case and the required treatment plan. Treatment costs depend on several factors including how many aligners are needed for each arch and how often in-office adjustments need to be made during the course of treatment. To learn more about costs associated with Invisalign treatment and other options available to you, our team will provide an accurate estimate tailored specifically to your needs.

Teeth Whitening

Do I need to see the dentist for teeth whitening?

While over-the-counter products can often provide some degree of whitening, they don’t always provide the most effective or safest results. For those looking to brighten their smile, professional whitening treatments administered by a dental professional may be the best option. Dentists can address staining caused by both external factors (such as food and beverages) and intrinsic factors (such as age and medications). Professional whitening is more intensive than many over-the-counter products, using higher concentrations of active ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. This means that it may take fewer treatments for patients to achieve their desired goals and results tend to last longer.

How much does teeth whitening cost?

Teeth whitening is a popular treatment that can be completed with an at-home kit or by visiting a professional dentist. Although at-home kits are usually cheaper, they often don't offer the same results as those gained from going to a professional. Professional teeth whitening treatments, on the other hand, range in price depending on your unique dental needs and preferences. Speak to your dentist today to learn more about the out-of-pocket costs of teeth whitening treatment.

Does teeth whitening hurt?

Teeth whitening treatments have become increasingly popular in recent years as people look for ways to achieve a brighter, whiter smile. But does teeth whitening actually hurt? Generally speaking, most people report no or only mild discomfort when undergoing teeth whitening. The chemicals used in such procedures are generally not strong enough to cause pain or damage to tooth enamel as long as they are used as directed. Common side effects may include sensitivity on the gums, which is usually minor and temporary in nature.

Why are my teeth yellow?

Yellow teeth can occur for a variety of reasons, and it's important to understand the potential causes so that you can take steps to counteract them. One common cause of yellowing teeth is poor dental hygiene: plaque buildup over time can stain teeth, leaving them yellow and discolored. Additionally, teeth can become discolored due to smoking or other lifestyle habits; tar and nicotine from cigarettes and cigars leave their mark, as do certain foods and drinks such as coffee and red wine. Finally, aging itself can lead to yellowing: as enamel wears away with age, your teeth may turn yellow.


How much do veneers cost?

The cost of dental veneers is highly variable and depends on the location, materials used, and type of preparation that is required. Generally, porcelain veneers (which are often preferred because they are stain-resistant and have a natural appearance) will cost more than composite resin veneers due to the higher manufacturing costs. In addition, some patients may experience increased expenses due to extra preparations such as removing enamel or reshaping teeth prior to placing the veneers. Ultimately, it’s best to consult with an experienced dentist to get accurate information about what kind of expenses you may incur for your particular situation.

How long do veneers last?

Veneers provide a great way to give teeth a beautiful, natural-looking appearance. However, it is important for patients to understand how long these dental treatments typically last. The life expectancy of a veneer can vary based on several factors, such as the type of material and how well it is properly cared for. Generally speaking, porcelain veneers can last from 10-15 years with regular maintenance and good oral hygiene habits. Composite resin veneers tend to have a shorter life expectancy of 5-7 years, due to the fact that they are more prone to staining and cracking over time than porcelain veneers. It's important for patients to discuss their expectations around longevity with their dentist before deciding which material is right for them.

Do veneers hurt?

In most cases, there should not be any significant discomfort when getting veneers placed. During placement of the veneers, it’s normal to experience some pressure on your teeth, but this should not be painful. It may also be necessary to remove some enamel from your teeth in order to allow room for the veneer; however, this process is relatively simple and will most likely not cause lasting discomfort. After placement of the veneers is complete, you may notice some soreness in your mouth or on your gums, but these symptoms will typically resolve within a day or two.

How long does it take to get veneers?

Depending on your dental needs and the type of material you choose, it may take between 1-3 appointments. We offer veneers made in a traditional dental laboratory or on-site using our streamlined digital fabrication process.


How does emergency dental treatment benefit oral health?

Ignoring dental problems can lead to larger health concerns in the future. While preventative care is the first line of defense against major dental problems, emergency dental care treats the issue once it occurs and provides relief. By making patients aware of the contributing factors that led to the emergency condition in the first place, emergency dental treatment may prevent the issue from recurring in the future and lead to better overall health.

What qualifies as a dental emergency?

Any type of dental trauma can require emergency dental care. Whether it is caused by an infected tooth, diseased gums, or an accident, a dental emergency needs quick intervention to relieve pain. To put it simply, any oral health problem that demands immediate attention qualifies as a dental emergency, so call our office right away if you experience any pain, bleeding, or swelling in your mouth.

How is a restorative emergency different from a dental emergency?

Restorative emergencies are often cosmetic and functional in nature, while other dental emergencies typically result in more discomfort or pain. A chipped tooth may be uncomfortable, but depending upon its placement, appearance or functionality may be a bigger concern than pain. It depends on your unique situation and the care required to get your smile back in the best possible condition.

How can a knocked-out tooth be preserved?

A knocked-out tooth can be preserved and restored with proper medical care. After locating the fragment or whole tooth, the patient should place it in a glass of milk or warm saltwater. This preserves the tooth until your dentist can replace it.

Is emergency dental care preventable?

Most dental emergencies are preventable with proper preventive care and regular dental visits. If patients neglect routine oral care and checkups, minor issues can quickly escalate into major problems that require extensive intervention, including crowns, root canals, or extractions. However, unpreventable accidents do happen occasionally and require immediate attention from a trained dental professional to treat.

Does emergency dental care hurt?

While many emergency dental treatments are uncomfortable, your dentist will make you as comfortable as possible. This includes sedation options. Depending on your unique case and the treatment involved, more pain may occur during the recovery period. Your dentist can provide pain medication to keep you comfortable during recovery.

Tyler and Yun Dental is here to make you smile.

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